Membership Information
Institutional Membership
- Participating institutions can enter data into the CNOC Clinical Registry, generate real time reports comparing metrics across all centers, and export their own data at any time.
- Your institution’s personnel can participate in research and quality improvement projects and serve on writing committees.
- Your institution’s personnel may run for elected leadership positions on the CNOC Steering Committee (Chairpersons, Vice Chairpersons, Secretary, Treasurer, Members-at-Large).
- Your institution’s personnel may Chair CNOC Standing Committees including the Communications, Community Outreach, Database, Education and Training, Program and Meetings, Quality Improvement and Research committees.
- Your institution is eligible to serve as the CNOC Neurodevelopmental Core and CNOC Data Analysis Core.
- Complimentary annual membership for all interested personnel at your center/site.
- Registration for the Annual Scientific Sessions is offered at a reduced rate for all attendees from your institution, allowing you to recoup a portion of your financial investment each year.
- Exhibit fees are discounted by 25% for the Annual Scientific Sessions while exhibit space is available.
- Open access to CNOC’s Clinical Registry.
- Participating institutions will be highlighted in CNOC electronic and print communications.