The Newburger-Bellinger Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Award was established in 2013 by the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative to honor Jane Newburger and David Bellinger, pioneers in research designed to understand and improve neurodevelopmental outcomes for children with heart disease. The award is presented annually during the Scientific Sessions of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative.

2021 Recipient Erica Sood PhD
Dr. Sood is a pediatric psychologist in the Nemours Cardiac Center and Center for Healthcare Delivery Science at Nemours Children’s Health and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University. She directs the Nemours Cardiac Learning and Early Development (LEAD) Program and trains psychology fellows in the specialty area of cardiac neurodevelopment. Dr. Sood’s research focuses on partnering with patient/family stakeholders to identify unmet needs, generate recommendations for psychosocial and neurodevelopmental care, and design interventions to improve neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes. She recently led a team across eight health systems to design a prenatal psychosocial intervention to improve parent and family wellbeing following diagnosis of congenital heart disease. Dr. Sood is an Immediate Past Chair of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative, Fellow of Division 54 (Society of Pediatric Psychology) of the American Psychological Association, and a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for Conquering CHD and Medical Advisory Board for Mended Little Hearts.
Newburger-Bellinger Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Award nominations for 2022 will be accepted between April 18 and June 15.
Criteria for nomination: A cardiologist, surgeon, anesthesiologist, neurologist, developmental pediatrician, geneticist, psychologist, nurse, PhD researcher, or other neurodevelopmental professional who has made significant contributions to clinical care, research knowledge, teaching or community advocacy leading to improvements in the neurodevelopmental outcomes of children with heart disease. Please forward this page to other colleagues who may be interested. Membership in CNOC is not a factor.
Submit a letter of support that details the nominee’s significant contributions to Anjali Sadhwani PhD, CNOC Secretary. All letters of nomination will be reviewed by the Steering Committee, and all nominees notified in August. The selected award recipient will deliver a keynote address during CNOC’s 11th Annual Scientific Sessions, October 25-27 at CHU Sainte-Justine Mother and Child Hospital, Montréal.